08. Give That App a Backend

Ud197 RDB REDO L3 09Q Give That App A Back End V2

The forum database has already been created for you in the virtual machine that you downloaded. Your code will need to connect to it using psycopg2.connect("dbname=forum") and then perform select and insert operations on the posts table.

The existing get_posts function returns all the entries from a list. So its database version should return all the entries from the posts table.

And likewise, the existing add_post function inserts an entry into a list.

You do not need to provide the time column when you insert a post. The table is set up to already provide a timestamp.

The existing get_posts function puts the posts in order using a Python reversed function. When you implement this function using the database, can you put the posts in order using only SQL?

Task Description:

Update the forumdb.py code to use the database.

Task List:

Task Feedback:


Solution (almost):

Ud197 RDB REDO L3 09S Solution Give That App A Back End


There is a mistake in the code in the video above. Lines 14 and 15 should be swapped, so that db.close() is called before the get_posts function returns.

The code appears correctly in the video at the top of the next page.